

Bonnier Business Polska

Bonnier Business Polska, established in 1996, is the publisher of the daily business newspaper Puls Biznesu, the business web site pb.pl as well as Bankier.pl, one of the largest business portals in Poland. The digital brands of Bonnier Business Polska are read by more than 3.5 million people monthly and the print version of the business daily has more than 100,000 readers and is the most opinion-forming business medium in Poland. Organizes approximately 150 business events, conferences and trainings every year with around 5,000 participants/year. Bonnier Business Polska is also the publisher of newspapers for the medical and pharmaceutical sectors; Puls Medycyny and Puls Farmacji. Since 2015, Bonnier Business Polska also controls System Partnerski, the largest financial affiliate network in Poland and Prawomaniacy, a company focusing on online tests and information tools for lawyers and other professionals.

Contact us

Bonnier Business (Polska) Sp. z o.o.
Kijowska 1, 03-738 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 3339 999 | Fax: +48 22 333 99 98
Email : puls@pb.pl | Website : www.pb.pl


ArsLege is the largest online service for lawyers in Poland. Additionally, ArsLege offers test preparation for professional qualification exams for civil
engineers, stockbrokers, property valuers, architects and others, as well as an online legal database Lexlege.pl. ArsLege has over 100,000 quizzes, professional tests. The web-service generates over 1 million visits a month, making ArsLege a leader in online education in Poland. In September 2015 ArsLege was sold to the Bonnier Group. The ArsLege group includes: arslege.pl, lexlege.pl, rzeczoznawca.arslege.pl, budownictwo.arslege.pl, di.arslege.pl, urzednik.arslege.pl, prawimy.pl, monitorfirm.pl and skarbowcy.arslege.pl

Contact us

Prawomaniacy Sp. z o.o.
ul. Towarowa 9F/21 , 10-416 Olsztyn, Poland
Phone: +48 513 842 650
Email : kontakt@arslege.pl | Website : www.arslege.pl